New to barre?  Join our 12 class intro series starting this February!! Please see this page to learn more and sign up! Once you're there, click the class name for the details! Space is limited so sign up today before it's full!

About Us

community celebrating anniversary together

Welcome to OpenBarre! I'm Lauren - you'll see my name on the schedule a bunch, so when you come in for a class, we're bound to meet!

If you thought this place was just for dancers, I'm here to prove you wrong - I own the studio, and am most definitely not a dancer - in fact, until I started taking barre classes, I couldn't even touch my toes! Barre has been life changing for me, not just in terms of my improved flexibility, physical health, and relationship with my body, but even more so when it comes to overall happiness.

Want to learn more about OpenBarre and our team? Check out the Bootstrapped podcast to find out how our studio was created and how we've grown in the years since then. The photo you're looking at is from our seven year anniversary celebration - we had the best time with our little community!

We strive to make OpenBarre a warm, welcoming environment where you can build confidence, strength, and flexibility. We hope to see you soon.

With gratitude,