New to barre?  Join our 12 class intro series starting this February!! Please see this page to learn more and sign up! Once you're there, click the class name for the details! Space is limited so sign up today before it's full!

Postpartum Studio Resources

Welcome to the Minibarre, for all things kids and parents!

Mom Strength

Mom Strength is specifically designed for postpartum moms who are looking for some support in the recovery and core strength rebuilding processes. You'll meet a community of moms, build strength, and find a space for yourself again.

Quick note - this class isn't currently on our schedule, but about a third of our instructor team (including me, Lauren!) had babies in the last few years (and so did a ton of our clients!), so you're likely to have another new or new-ish mom or two in class with you even in our regularly scheduled classes! For now, we recommend you fill out the form on our First-Timers page and we'll get you set up with a class that's actively on the schedule.

Mom Strength is run as a limited series, so make sure you let us know if you want to take part so we've got an accurate gauge on interest! If you'd like to join us for Mom Strength, email, call, or text us so we can notify you when it comes back!

new moms in bridge position for Mom Strength post-natal class targeting diastasis recti abdominal separation via modified core work

Parent & Me

If your kids are 11 and up, they're welcome to sign up for a regularly scheduled class with you, though they cannot attend a class by themselves until they are 18.

If you'd like to take classes with your kids, check out the family yoga classes (starting with babies and going up to age nine!) offered in our studio by Jessica from Breathing Space! Age groups, details, and registration are available here! These classes are not part of OpenBarre packages.

moms and dads resting with their kids, infants, and toddlers during fun and engaging parent and me barre class

Birthday parties

Let's celebrate! If you're interested in hosting a birthday barre-ty for yourself or for your little one, email us at or give us a call to make plans! We'll work with your schedule to set up a fun class for kiddos and their parents.

Local moms playing with kids from group childcare for birthday party celebration


Not a class, but a great add-on for parents! It's here, it's here! MiniBarre will be your way to bring your kids to the studio with you and not have to worry about them while you take class! Visit the MiniBarre page to learn more and get started!

young mom with two daughters in gymnastics leotards walking like crabs on yoga mats in openbarre parent and me class