New to barre?  Join our 12 class intro series starting this February!! Please see this page to learn more and sign up! Once you're there, click the class name for the details! Space is limited so sign up today before it's full!


Your first class is $10. After that, we'll give you the info on our Six Weeks Unlimited Intro package, and we'll go from there!

Intro Package: Six Weeks Unlimited

Available to clients who have taken two or fewer classes.
Contract required.

Unlimited Autopay

Monthly Autopay: $117

Quarterly Autopay: $297
Save $54/quarter on in-person classes AND $45/quarter on virtual classes
Benefits include: one free late cancellation per month, discounts on workshops and special events, free first-time local guests (with proof of local address), and early access to sign up for special events. Quarterly Autopay membership also includes access to OpenBarre Online!
All autopay packages continue until canceled via 30 days advance written notice provided by email to When canceling, you’ll receive a link to a Google Form you’ll submit.

Single Classes & Multi-Packs

10-pack, 3 months validity: $140
Save $30

Single class: $17

$5 Donation classes held weekly on Friday evenings

Virtual Classes

1 year unlimited: $150
Save $30

Monthly unlimited: $15

Includes on-demand library and livestreams. Three new classes added per week!
10% discount available for UMD alumni, employees, and students on the Unlimited Autopay category.