New to barre?  Join our 12 class intro series starting this February!! Please see this page to learn more and sign up! Once you're there, click the class name for the details! Space is limited so sign up today before it's full!

Private Events

Bring your crew to OpenBarre or have us bring OpenBarre to your community! We've worked with club teams, high school teams, offices in Greenbelt, departments at UMD, sororities, bridal parties, and more. Tell us a bit about your group and we can make some recommendations so your event is fun for everyone!

In-person private sessions can range from one to 25 participants and can be any type of class we offer, though some class types have smaller maximums. Pricing starts at $150. Reach out to learn more!

Interested in booking a virtual event? We can accommodate 99 participants in a virtual class. Participants joining from home need enough space to spread out a beach towel, and that's it - no equipment necessary!