New to barre?  Join our 12 class intro series starting this February!! Please see this page to learn more and sign up! Once you're there, click the class name for the details! Space is limited so sign up today before it's full!

Barre for Beginners

women chatting about fitness classes in barre workout studio with instructor

You took the first step today - you're here! The next part is easy - let's get you ready for your first class.

At OpenBarre, we offer one class per month just for first-time clients, though you're welcome in any class you'd like to take. We hold intro classes on the 19th of each month. Advance registration is required, as space is limited and we want to keep intro classes on the smaller side. Plan on spending an hour and 15 minutes with us, touring the studio, having questions answered, and taking a Barre Express class with our studio-owner, Lauren. If our next intro class doesn't work with your schedule, we recommend starting with a Barre Express class. Whether you start with an intro or in one of our regularly scheduled classes, your first class is $10.

Submit your info below and we'll get you set up! *note that if you don't see a place to enter your info, you may need to click to allow cookies in order for the box to show up.

Fitness management software

Want to get a feel for what we do from home before you take for your first class? Join studio-owner Lauren for free in this recorded Barre Fundamentals class!